[Unit] Description=Weston # replaces the getty Conflicts=getty@tty1.service After=getty@tty1.service # replaces plymouth-quit since it quits plymouth on its own Conflicts=plymouth-quit.service After=plymouth-quit.service # Needs all the dependencies of the services it's replacing # pulled from getty@.service and plymouth-quit.service # (except for plymouth-quit-wait.service since it waits until # plymouth is quit, which we do) After=rc-local.service plymouth-start.service systemd-user-sessions.service # GDM takes responsibility for stopping plymouth, so if it fails # for any reason, make sure plymouth still stops OnFailure=plymouth-quit.service [Service] User=root #ExecStart=/usr/bin/weston --debug --shell=kiosk-shell.so ExecStart=/usr/bin/weston Environment="XDG_SEAT=seat0" KillMode=mixed PAMName=login Restart=always [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target